The Cartes de Visite (> 30’000) are recorded in a FileMaker database according to:
– Name, place & address of the photographer
– Description of the photography (gender, clothing, equipment, objects, etc)
– Notes on the back (negative number, names, years)
The CdVs are stored in PE cases with a data record number and stored dry in folders in a metal cabinet or in PE file boxes. The collection always grows thanks to a loyal collector from Eastern Switzerland. The aim is to digitally record the collection, evaluate the data and make it known to the public.
The cabinet photos (> 3’500) are also recorded in the same database.
The collection also includes many complete albums, the photos (photographer & location) are only recorded in a Word file
The kitsch postcards (> 5’000) are filed according to series, photographer and subject.
The galleries are updated regularly.